Iowa at its core is rooted in conservatism and limited government. I want to protect this identity despite government overreach and confusion all around us. To continue to lead our nation, Iowa must uphold the founding principles of limited government and personal responsibility. As a legislator, I will support policies that limit government overreach, promote economic development and protect the rights of local communities and individual citizens. Families and our rural communities are the lifeblood and wealth of Iowa. I want to ensure that policy decisions start at the grassroots level and that our State’s resources stay local where they can do the most good.
Additionally, Iowa cannot remain insulated from the turmoil around us if we do not adhere to the standards set by our Creator and affirmed by our founding fathers in our Constitution, which is why I will fight to protect and defend human life in all its forms, from conception to natural death.
After the fundamental right to life, the traditional family is the foundation and building block of a successful community, state, and nation. I will strive to preserve traditional family values, promote policies that strengthen the family unit and support growing families. Parents have the greatest impact on the education of children, which is why I believe parental involvement in the Iowa education system is paramount in educating the next generation.
I believe if we keep exercising our constitutional rights to be a check on big government, return to our Creator and Christian roots, and defend the traditional family, we can preserve our freedoms and republican form of government for the next generation.